Onde-onde with Teh Tarik Filling

Ingredients for teh tarik filling:
2 tbsp tea powder
5 cups water
1 can MARIGOLD Sweetened Creamer
1 cup sugar
8 tbsp vegetable gelatine powder
Ingredients for onde-onde:
2 cups glutinous rice flour
2 cups water
5 pandan leaves
2 cups grated coconut
2 tsp salt
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Teh tarik filling
Mix tea powder and 4 cups of water and heat to a boil for 3 minutes. Remove heat and let tea sit for 10 minutes.
While tea is infusing, mix vegetable gelatine powder with the remaining water to bloom the gelatine.
Strain out tea powder from tea and add MARIGOLD Sweetened Creamer and sugar. Simmer the tea for 15 minutes until it becomes a thick tea syrup.
Melt gelatine in microwave or over a double boiler and add to the tea syrup. Freeze tea syrup in freezer.
Unmould the teh tarik jelly and set aside.
Blend the pandan leaves with 2 cups of water and strain.
Mix the pandan juice with water and add to flour. Mix until combined fully.
Cut the teh tarik jelly into small pieces. Take a small piece of onde-onde dough and roll out flat. Place some teh tarik jelly in the centre and roll the dough into a ball.
Drop the onde-onde into boiling water and cook until the onde-onde floats to the surface.
Mix the grated coconut with salt and coat the onde-onde before serving.
If the onde-onde dough dries out and feels hard to handle, sprinkle some water on the dough and lightly add flour to your hands before handling again.